Welcome To My Life A&B

Every time I have a new niece or nephew on the way I write them a letter. This time around I’m waiting on 2 babies which means twice the letter, so I decided to share.

To my dearest Aislinn Faith and Braylen Grace,

Oh my precious perfect ladies, I can not wait for you to finally be here! As I write I still have about to weeks to wait and I’d love it if you could hurry up. I thought you might like to know a little bit of how the world was before you made it oh so better.

First there was your Mama and Abba. Abba loved your mama the second he saw her,but she took a little convincing(2 months to be exact). They fell madly in love and were married exactly 10 months to the day that they first met. Abba defends our country and our freedom and Mama works sells shiny, pretty,amazing computers. Your little family lives in one of the best cities in the world within walking distance of the stadium where the awe-inspiring Chicago Cubs play. (God IS  a cubs fan my dears,don’t let anyone tell you different.)

After awhile they decided that two of them wasn’t quite enough. They spent two years waiting,praying, crying,testing and hoping. Finally, they got the awesomeness that is your big brother Jayson. Jayson brought so much light into your parents lives. He was a little slice of Abba that kept Mama sane while he was far far away. When Abba came home they decided 3 wasn’t quite enough and without any waiting, crying, or tests they got YOU. You are two perfect little miracles which is why you have the middle names that you do. “Justice is getting what  you earned, mercy is not getting what you earned, and grace is getting what you could never earn.”  You my love, are proof of  the grace God gave your parents.” Faith is being sure of what we know  and certain of those things we can not see” You are the result of the unceasing your parents have in God.

Now that you know the story of before you got here I want to pray for everything that will happen after you get here.

I pray you have the COURAGE and STRENGTH of your Abba

I pray you have the KINDNESS and CREATIVITY of your Mama

I pray you have the JOY and INTELLIGENCE of your Jayson 

I pray you have the WISDOM of your Saba.

I pray that you get to fully live the amazing beautiful lives God has ready for you. I pray that you will seek him in everything you do. I pray safety over you as you recklessly chase after his love for you. I pray that you always know you are loved, adored, and wanted. I pray you always know you have a safe place to land.

With more love than you know,

Aunt E

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